
The Digital Agency for International Development

Web Design Guidelines in French

By Tom Lord on 17 June 2010

We've recently translated our Web Design Guidelines for Low Bandwidth into French, making them potentially accessible to 200 million people worldwide. French is an official or commonly used language in over 30 countries, including many African countries.

We launched the guidelines with the support of INASP in 2007, as part of our ongoing efforts to make online information accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of their location or bandwidth. The techniques described in the guidelines inform our work on projects with partner organisations based around online content and websites.

We're currently looking at moving the guidelines over from static content to Wordpress, which will make translation into other languages even easier in the future. If you would like to work with us to translate the guidelines into another language, please contact us. If you have suggestions for material that we could add to the guidelines, we'd like to hear about that too.