This has been a very collaborative project for us. We worked directly with
agricultural measurement learning and evaluation experts from the
ALINe initiative, and data visualisation experts
from LiveStories, and adding our own expertise in
building effective, accessible web tools for international development. The
team worked with government officers at Federal and State-level in Nigeria, and
local policy and development experts.
The application will be used to demonstrate to Federal and State-level
officers the potential to understand the impact of ATA interventions, and to
plan new ones using evidence from real data. There are many challenges in
delivering effective tools, especially at State level where infrastructure
support can be at a low level, and government officers might not have had the
opportunity to learn the potential of modern IT solutions. The team visited
offices in the Nigerian states of Kogi and Benue (which were the focus of this
study) and worked directly with the potential users to determine the best
design for the application.
During the software development phase the LiveStories came and worked with us
in our offices in Cambridge. LiveStories are based in Seattle, so this was a
great opportunity for us to work together, in the same space, and in the same